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Archmagos Draykavac/Archmagos

Artikel-Nr.: 99560108117

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Alter Preis 85,00 €
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

The treacherous Archmagos Draykavac had a fearsome reputation throughout the Imperium, thinking nothing of sacrificing thousands of lives to further his knowledge and understanding of the arcane arts of the Omnissiah. When the Horus Heresy broke out, Draykavac revealed his dark allegiance to Warmaster Horus, his loyalty bought with the promise of access to technologies long forbidden by the Emperor.

This complete resin model also comes with an alternate head that can be used to represent a Archmagos and an Abeyant to lead any Mechanicum force. The model includes weapon options for the Abeyant: graviton gun, conversion beamer, rotor cannon and meltagun.

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Tabletop & Miniaturen, Adeptus Mechanicum
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